Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Ich bin ein Berliner

Hi dolls, how are you all on this fine Wednesday?? I am super happy because hubby took the day off work today and we got loads done, I have finally changed my name on our mortgage and my bank accounts so now I will get letters in my married name! We also stopped off at Frankie and Benny's and had a nice lunch, then had a browse around a new garden centre that has opened up where we live. When we arrived home, I set about organising my new stationery for work tomorrow, making sure everything is in order and packed neatly in my work bag. I bought a new diary and notebook the other day in Paperchase, as well as some new pens and a super cute pencil sharpener! I love buying new stationery for the new term, it makes me feel like a kid again! Paperchase has an amazing selection too, I literally spend hours drooling over all the gorgeous stuff and struggling to make up my mind!

My new Paperchase stationery. I bought a spiral bound notebook which is one of my everday work essentials, a new diary, a multi-coloured pen, a new yellow highlighter, 2 new pink marking pens (I only mark in pink!) and a cute bubble and sweet sharpener!

I also purchased a new lanyard from David and Goliath. Not normally a shop I like or purchase from, I do enjoy their tongue-in-cheek lanyards, and the fact it is green (which matches my school community colour).

In other news today, my hubby and I have booked a trip to Berlin this December! As my birthday is in December, hubby has recently been asking me what I want to do so he can get it booked and organised. At first I thought I wanted to go to Paris, but then I felt I should broaden my horizons, as I have been to Paris twice already. Berlin is a place I have wanted to visit for a while, my two best friends visited this year when I was on honeymoon and there is so much history there, I will be in heaven! (Not to mention the Ritter chocolate factory and the Christmas markets that will be on when we visit!) Hubby has booked the flights, so we just need to do a bit more research on hotels before we can book and we will be all set! I am so excited!! : ) xoxo


  1. I could spend too much in Paperchase - some of their stuff is gorgeous especially all their photo frames and albums.

  2. Yep I think Paperchase is my favourite non-clothes shop in the UK! So many nice collections, I was really tempted to buy some Christmas cards when I was in there the other day!! xx

  3. Ooo i love paperchase, they always have such cute stuff!
    Lucy x

  4. I absolutely love Paperchase!

    Also, I went to Berlin a couple of years ago and it's an amazing place. We stayed in a hotel called Berlin, Berlin - it was really lovely x

  5. looking forward to hearing about Berlin, I've never been but it sounds like a pretty cool destination.

  6. Ooo thanks for the hotel recommendation! I will have a look xx

  7. I love Paperchase!They have the greatest stuff!

  8. Another stationary fan here too, i could literally buy lots and lots from Paperchase :).

    Sadie xx


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I read each and every one xoxo